Please feel free to contact us about any matter regarding Cellink products and services by email or by phone with one of our friendly sales representatives during Sydney business hours.


Cellink endeavours to protect your privacy by:

  • Only collecting information from those with whom we deal which is necessary for our business to adequately service our customers.
  • We do not use any personal information we have collected for any other purposes without seeking the individual's permission.
  • We will take reasonable steps to ensure personal information on our database is accurate and complete at all times.
  • We will hold the information indefinitely so future marketing material can be sent to the individual. If you do not wish to receive this material in the future, please email the [email protected] to have your details removed.
  • Personal information will not be disclosed to any organisation or individual who has not given a commitment to deal with such information in a way, which is consistent with the National Privacy Principles.
  • All information is securely held by the organisation to prevent tampering, interference by outside sources or unauthorised use by employees or agents of the organisation.
  • Individuals can access the information that our organisation holds on them in accordance with the National Privacy Principles.
  • If an individual believes the information we hold on them is not accurate they have the right to apply to the organisation to have that information corrected.
  • A Privacy Officer has been appointed to assist all individuals with requests for access to information or concerns about the handling of their information. That person may be contacted via email [email protected] or you may forward such requests in writing to: Attn: Privacy Officer, Cellink Australia,84-90 Parramatta Road, Summer Hill, NSW, 2130, NSW. Australia